On Saturday, February 18th, 2017, dozens of animal rights activists gathered in New York City in the March Against Fur/Canada Goose in order to raise awareness about the cruel and inhumane fur industry and the barbaric practices by which Canada Goose and other manufacturers of fur clothing produce their garments. Activists brandished signs and banners, chanted slogans, and distributed anti-fur pamphlets to passersby. Vegan Future Now handed out several dozen of the pamphlets, which were published by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, and had many candid conversations with pedestrians who were, by and large, very supportive of our efforts.
Here are some photos from the event.
Two activists pose with their signs before the march begins.
If you wouldn't wear dog fur, then how can you justify wearing coyote fur?
Canada Goose kills. Like, a lot.
One of the organizers of the march and one of the most passionate animal rights activists in New York City, leads protesters down Fifth Avenue.
If people stop buying fur, manufacturers will stop producing it. It's that simple.
Rob Banks leads the march near the Flatiron Building.
Activists rallied outside Paragon Sporting Goods on Broadway to protest the retailer's decision to carry Canada Goose jackets.
A committed and passionate animal rights activist minces no words about her attitude toward the fur industry.
Animal rights activists raise awareness and their voices outside Paragon Sporting Goods.
One of the heroes of the New York City animal rights movement speaks up for the animals outside Paragon Sporting Goods.
To see more photos as well as video from the march, and to get the latest updates about what Vegan Future Now is doing, please follow us on Instagram at @veganfuturenow.