Vegan Future Now joined dozens of other animal rights activists in New York City’s posh Soho neighborhood on Black Friday to protest retailers who continue to sell real fur and to educate consumers about the brutal realities of the fur trade.
Despite the cruelty involved in the production of fur clothing and accessories, many retailers, including Fendi, Dolce & Gabana, Canada Goose, Nordstrom’s, and DSquared, continue to sell products torn from the bodies of defenseless nonhuman animals who suffered unimaginable pain and anguish at the hands of trappers and fur farmers.
We call upon all fashion designers and retailers to join the likes of Prada, Calvin Klein, Stella McCartney, Gucci, Tommy Hilfiger, and Michael Kors and commit to removing real fur from their lines. Unless or until you do, we’re not going away.
Here are photos from the demonstration:
Animal rights activists outside Dolce & Gabana in downtown Manhattan on Black Friday
The cruel and barbaric reality of the fur trade is shown on video for the edification of passersby.
Despite the availability of cruelty-free alternatives, Dolce & Gabana continues to exploit animals for their fur.
An animal rights activist outside Canada Goose on Black Friday
The feathers that line the inside of Canada Goose jackets are obtained by ripping them from the bodies of fully conscious geese. This cruel and painful process is repeated several times in the course of a goose’s life.
People lined up in front of Canada Goose to take advantage of their Black Friday deals are confronted by animal rights activists.
This couple apparently thinks that animal abuse is hilarious. Don’t be like this couple.
This woman, who is wearing a Canada Goose jacket with fur trim, observed the protest with consternation.
Animal rights activists outside Fendi’s Soho location on Black Friday #fuckfendi
Animal rights activists outside Fendi
A group of animal rights activists entered DSquared to protest the retailer’s use of real fur.
An animal rights activist stands in front of DSquared and its display of a disgusting fur hat that nobody fucking needs.
A very animated and irate employee of DSquared reacts to the presence of people who care about animals.
Another employee of DSquared is very upset that she has to deal with people who care about animals.
The animals who are exploited for the fur industry never die pleasantly. If they are caught or killed in the wild, they will suffer gunshot wounds or be trapped in cruel leg-hold traps, where they often languish for days and die of starvation, dehydration, and exposure. Animals bred and raised for fur live in filth and squalor and die by any of several gruesome means, including anal electrocution, gassing, and bludgeoning. Please do not support this cruel and antiquated industry. To learn more about what goes into the production of fur, please visit PETA’s website.